Victims Rights
Being a victim of crime can be challenging. Please use the below resources to assist you during this time. These resources will ensure you are not alone, from counseling to legal assistance and advocacy. Contact the Pierce Township Police Department (513-752-4100) with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Marsy’s Law for Ohio gives crime victims meaningful and enforceable constitutional rights equal to the rights of the accused. Some examples of the types of rights to which all victims are entitled are:
• To be treated with dignity and respect throughout criminal justice proceedings
• To be notified of his, her or their rights as a victim of crime
• To be notified of specific public proceedings throughout the criminal justice process and to be present and heard during those proceedings
Ohio Victims' Rights Request Forms
If you have been a victim of crime in Pierce Township, the below forms will provide information on your rights as a victim and how to request these rights.
Victim Resources
Ohio Crime Victims' Rights
The Crime Victim Services Section of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office assists victims of crime statewide.
Clermont County Victim Assistance Program
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.
Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.
Adult Protection Order Information
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.
Juvenile Protection Order Information
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.
Crisis Information Directory
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.
Clermont Crisis Hotline
The Victim Assistance Program helps victims navigate the criminal justice system.
Assistance is available from the time a criminal offense or delinquent act is committed and continues throughout the legal process to guarantee that crime victims receive the appropriate and necessary services and support.