Department of Community Development and Planning
About the Department of Community Development and Planning
The Department of Community Development and Planning was established to protect and improve the health, safety, and wellness of Pierce Township residents. The department’s primary functions include Long Range Planning, Current Planning, Zoning/Code Enforcement, and Community & Economic Development.
Long-Range Planning: The process of working with the community to establish plans for future growth and the allocation of resources to properly regulate and promote high-quality development.
Current Planning: The Zoning Resolution is the primary regulatory tool used to enforce the community’s desired vision for guiding growth in the Township while limiting potential negative impacts. The Resolution requires enforcement through permit and plan reviews; new subdivisions, fences, houses, businesses and similar are subject to review through the Zoning Resolution.
Community & Economic Development: Staff works diligently to ensure that proactive measures are taken to pursue grants and coordinate resources to reduce blight, maintain/improve infrastructure, promote and support businesses in the community and implement the long-range plan.
Zoning/Code Enforcement: The Department is tasked with working with residents, property owners, and businesses in the community to ensure nuisances and violations are remedied in a timely manner.

Who to Call
Any building code violation request(s) need to be submitted to Clermont County Building Department by calling 513-732-7213
Any fire code violation request(s) need to be submitted to Pierce Township Fire Department by calling 513-752-6273
Questions about Water/Sewer – Clermont County Water/Sewer or Tate Monroe Water.
To arrange service for: Clermont County Water/Sewer 513-732-7970 and Tate Monroe Water 513-734-2236.
To contact Pierce Township Planning & Zoning staff call (513) 752-6262 and select option #7. To send a fax use (513) 752-8981.