Re-dedication of Groh Park
Last Friday, the Township celebrated the Re-dedication of Groh Park in the former Amelia Village. The Park was initially dedicated in 1995 as Amelia’s first park, and named after former Mayor Robert Groh to honor his many years of service to the community. Mr. Groh is a WWII veteran and begin service to the community in 1947. Pierce Township recently completed a renovation of this former Village Park, including a new Playground. The community was fortunate to have former Mayor Groh (99 years old) present at the park to cut the ribbon on the Re-dedication.
The attached picture includes Pierce Township Trustees Kambelos and Freeman, Fiscal Officer Debbie Schwey, members of the Township volunteer Parks & Greenspace Committee, and representatives from Brandstetter Carroll (Engineer for the project) and Prus Construction (general contractors).
In order, those depicted are (left to right):
Bob Wurdeman, Michelle Ballside, Doug Dresie, Tara Jones, Tim Knapke, Ben Brandstetter, Mayor Groh, Jeni (Groh) Kentrup, Dr. Pete Kambelos, Allen Freeman, Debbie Schwey.