Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing
Meeting Date/Time: 03/27/2024 5:00 pm
Meeting type: Public Hearing,
Meeting Description:
Pierce Township Board of Zoning Appeals
March 27th, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
1) Case BZA2024-001:
An application for one (1) dimensional variance(s), from Pierce Township Zoning Resolution, 4.06(F)(12) “Solar panels are permitted when attached to the roof of a principal or accessory building”, to install 8’ tall ground mounted solar panels (74’ X 11’ in area). Submitted by Michael Luggen for property located at 763 Old Locust Hill Road Pierce Township, Ohio 45245.
2) Case BZA2024-002:
An application for a dimensional variance(s), per Article 4 Residential Zoning Districts and Use Regulation, to construct a detached garage outside of a rear yard. Article 4.05-1 states that states, “Detached Accessory Garages or Other Buildings are permitted in the rear yard only.” Submitted by Ronald J & Peggy A Boehl for property located at 917 Belmont Boulevard Pierce Township, Ohio 45245.
3) Case BZA2024-003:
An application for a dimensional variance(s), from Pierce Township Zoning Resolution, 12.10 B) to construct (3) three signs (1 Wall Sign Permitted per Tenant) – (1) Drive Thru; (2) Pickup Signs for the Kroger Company. 12.10 B) 1) states, “each business or tenant within a GB zoning district shall be permitted one wall sign for each side of the building that faces a public roadway.” Submitted by Brooke Alini (Atlantic Sign Company) for property located at 262 W Main St Pierce Township, Ohio 45102.
All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing. The application is available for inspection at the Pierce Township Administration Building Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Eddie F. McCarthy Director of Community Development and Planning for Fred Heyse, BZA Chair