Update Regarding Pierce Township’s Governmental Energy Aggregation Program
In November 2018 Pierce Township residents voted to approve an energy aggregation program intended to provide residents and small businesses a favorable energy rate through bulk purchasing. The current rate for electricity to be supplied to eligible Pierce Residents by Dynegy is at a fixed rate of $.04985 per kWh. The Duke Energy “Price to Compare” can be found on your current bill. Otherwise, up to date supply rates can be found on Duke Energy’s website at: https://www.duke-energy.com/home/products/ohio-customer-choice/electric/price-to-compare
In order to be excluded from the program, you can opt out at any time, with no penalty, by phoning Dynegy at 888-682-2170. If you have any difficulties understanding your bill or opting out of the program, please feel free to contact our consultants with Trebel at 1-877-861-2772. In addition to former Amelia Village properties being added to the program, Dynegy is refreshing their list of residents new to Pierce Township. Each new customer must be sent an opt-out notice.
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio regulates governmental energy aggregation programs. More information can be found on their website at: ihttps://www.puco.ohio.gov/be-informed/consumer-topics/governmental-energy-aggregation-local-community-buying-power/
We apologize for any confusion that the recent mailings have caused to residents and small businesses unfamiliar with the program. We are also aware that several Batavia Township addresses formerly in the Village were provided by the utility company that provides the mailing list to the supplier. These addresses should be corrected and excluded from the program. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Township Administrator directly at 513-947-2000.
I have personally marked up and included a sample bill below to highlight the changes to a Duke Energy bill if an alternate supplier is chosen. Additional information regarding how to read your bill is available at the following link on Duke’s website: https://www.duke-energy.com/home/billing/reading-your-bill
I hope you find this information helpful regardless of your choice to participate in the program.
Loretta Rokey, Township Administrator