Pierce Township Volunteers needed to serve on Pierce Township Zoning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals
Volunteers interested in serving on the Pierce Township Zoning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals are asked to submit a letter of interest and resume to lrokey@piercetownship.org no later than June 7th for consideration by the Trustees at their regular meeting on June 12th. Applicants are also asked to respond to the applicant questionnaire accessible on line at: https://piercetownship.org/zoning-commission-or-board-of-zoning-appeal-applicant-questionnaire/
Citizens interested in these appointments must be residents of the unincorporated area of the township. Each Board consists of five members and two alternates appointed by the Board of Trustees. Each member serves a five-year term. Alternates serve two-year terms and in the absence of a member. The Zoning Commission meets monthly to review zoning applications for Planned Unit Developments and zone changes related to new development. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets as needed when applications are received to hear requests for variances and appeals. Both boards meet in the evening, usually 6:30PM. To learn more about the Pierce Township zoning department and these appointments, visit Piercetownship.org or call Loretta Rokey, Township Administrator at 513-947-2000