Road Closure Notice – White Oak Road

October 31, 2024

Pursuant to Section 5543.17 of the Ohio Revised Code, I have determined that a road closure is necessary on White Oak Road, as it is impractical to construct a temporary highway, culvert or bridge.  Duke Energy has requested the temporary closure of White Oak Road in Pierce Township to complete scheduled utility upgrades.

The closure is located between address 1172 and 1179 White Oak Road. The road will be closed to through traffic from 8AM to 4PM on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. The length of the detour is approximately 3.79 miles or 20,022 feet.

The Office of the Clermont County Engineer shall notify the Communication Center and other affected agencies. All advanced warning and detour signs will be erected and maintained for this project. Our crews will maintain the advanced warning signs.  The contractor will maintain all other detour signs. 

Attached is the recommended detour.