Fields & Field Usage

Baseball Fields

Pierce Township is renovating all sports fields and courts at the Locust Corner Park. These renovations should be completed in 2023.

Updated information will be listed here as it becomes available. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the Service Department at (513) 752-6262 and selecting option #3.

The Board of Trustees approved on January 12, 2024, a seasonal rate (shown below) for a block of (2) two hours for (2) two days for the entire season.  Additional time could be reserved for games/scrimmages for one-off’s that run past two hours.  

Baseball Field Rate Schedule

SeasonResidentNon-Resident Rate
Spring$300 $450
Fall$300 $450
Hourly$50 $100

Baseball Field Usage Registration Form

Pierce Township is pleased to offer a baseball field available for reservation. The field is located at Pierce Township Park, across from 961 Locust Corner Rd.  Reservations are received online and made available twice a year:

  1. Spring reservations are made open to eligible applicants in late January for field use in March 1st through July 31st
  2. Fall reservations are made open to eligible applicants in late June for field use in August 1st through November 30th.

Ball field may be reserved Monday through Friday for the following time slots:

5:30 pm to 7 pm
7 pm until dark (park closure)

When not reserved, the baseball field may be used for general recreational purposes during normal park hours.

Baseball Field Registration Form