Update regarding Pierce Township’s Energy Aggregation program

In November 2018 Pierce Township residents voted to approve an energy aggregation program intended to provide residents and small businesses a favorable energy rate through bulk purchasing. Our first supplier contracts will be expiring the end of May and contracts have been negotiated with new suppliers who will take effect in June 2021.  The new rate for electric supply will be provided by Energy Harbor to all residential customers at the rate of 4.63 cents per kWh.  The new rate for natural gas will be provided by Volunteer Energy at the NYMAX rate + $.095 per ccf.  The Duke Energy “Price to Compare” can be usually be found on the second page of your bill. Otherwise, up to date supply rates can be found on Duke Energy’s website at:  https://www.duke-energy.com/home/products/ohio-customer-choice/electric/price-to-compare

Opt out notices are being sent by our new suppliers (Energy Harbor, Volunteer Energy) to all eligible Duke customers.  In order to be excluded from the program, you can opt out at any time, with no penalty, by responding to the opt out mailings.  You can also opt out or join the program at any time by phoning Energy Harbor at 866-636-3749 for electric and Volunteer Energy at 800-977-8374 for natural gas.  If you have any difficulties understanding your bill or opting out of the program, please feel free to contact our consultants with Trebel at 1-877-861-2772.

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio regulates governmental energy aggregation programs.  More information can be found on their website at:  ihttps://www.puco.ohio.gov/be-informed/consumer-topics/governmental-energy-aggregation-local-community-buying-power/

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Township Administrator directly at 513-947-2000.

Loretta Rokey
