2025 Police Levy

Pierce Township residents will vote on a 2.9 mills police levy on the 2025 May ballot. Proceeds from the levy will be dedicated to police operations, capital expenses, and necessary facility improvements.

Questions? Contact Police Chief Paul Broxterman: 513-947-2002 / pbroxterman@piercetownship.org

Why did the township place a levy on the ballot? 

Lower Revenue, Increased Expenses

Pierce Township voters last passed a police levy in 2007. Due to current expenses and revenues, reserve (carryover) funds are being used to cover the budget. The reserve funds will be exhausted by the beginning of 2027.

The graph illustrates the impact on reserve funds as expenses increase and revenue remains stagnant*.

*The recent property tax increase did not impact levy revenue. For voter approved millage, state law prohibits growth in revenue when property reappraisals occur.

Increased Demand on Services

More than a decade after the last police levy passed (2007), the township population spiked due to Amelia’s dissolution (2019). 

Chart of Pierce Township Population Growth

Increase in Calls and Reported Crimes

Calls for Service and Incidents Reports are higher on average than before Amelia’s dissolution (2019).

Increase in the demand for police services

Tax Levy FAQs

Financial Impact for Pierce Township Homeowners

To determine the market value of your home, click here and enter your address. Once you have accessed your property page, click the Values tab on the left side of the page. Look for Total Value in the Appraised Value table.

Appraised Home ValueDaily Cost IncreaseMonthly Cost Increase